Thursday 31 March 2011

28: At my chores: lovingly and fearfully for Him

The next few days were miserable for me. Denied speech and kept constantly plugged. Aroused constantly & terribly by the dildos as they pressed intimately inside me, with each swing of my hip. I was so hot and wet grinding on the plugs. Knowing that I was not permitted to cum, only permitted to cum for the pleasure of men. Squirming helplessly in my cage, listening to Master making his selection. Or listening to the steward enjoying on of the girls, on the hard floor. Before finally managing to curl up in the tiny space of the cage, to sleep and dream of Master. Always of Master. Always waking just on the brink of orgasm, or as he began to cum into my mouth. Or  as the whip whistled through the air behind me. Waking, sexually aroused & frightened, vulnerable. The strong smell of my slave heat, coating the still air in the curtained cage. Moist & sticky in the air, on my body, in my hair in my nostrils. So hot on the phalluses for Master.
Lana was fretful and strict with us because Master was strict. The men enjoyed the aesthetic & eroticism of the sight of  two naked girls. One standing over the other with a whip. The other kneeling in pain and distress. Anxiously on her knees desperate fervent at her chores. Anxious to do whatever the other wanted. I must confess too there was a very strong element of reluctant eroticism for me too. The strong element of sapphic domination. & for lana too I could smell the arousal on her. But also the fear of her Master. If I or one of the other girls was found displeasing we would both be punished.
I found my chores both strangely liberating and at the same time demeaning. The utterly menial nature of the domestic tasks delimited  to women. Scrubbing and cleaning with minute and fretful attention to ensure perfection. But also so comforting and homely performing my chores with loving devotion for Master. Like a 50’s or earlier housewife. The little woman devoted to her lord and Master. Not only the nature of the chores but performing them nude on all fours, trying to keep my posture pretty for him. I so wanted to be free of the plugs and hear the little bell attached to my clitoris ringing out behind me. Ringing out behind me prettily, content and fulfilled, lovingly for Master.
We Earth girls were given the lowest tasks, scrubbing & polishing the floors, the toilets. But it was equally hard for the girls in the kitchens. All day preparing the most delicious and aromatic meals and snacks for Master, keeping the peelings and waste for our own food bucket.
One morning the steward took a great deal of satisfaction in lubing my oral dildo, from the intimacies of a girl who had spent the evening in her Masters bed. Covering the phallus in the mixture of her juices and Masters seed. Before sending me to my chores for the day, my mouth stuffed with the sticky dildo. Before detaining the same girl & enjoying her fellatio, before sending her to his chores.
That was part of the thrill & pleasure in enslaving Earth girls. The men enjoyed seeing the disbelief and shock, the feeble powerless female pique in our eyes, when we were subjected to bondage or punishment. A slave must always be obedient & willing to her Master. But it is enjoyable to make her be obedient, and to see her realization of that. See her pout and stiffen in the tiniest of ways and to take that from her. A girl must always be willing and ready for her Master, but it is enjoyable to part her legs against a little resistance. Enjoyable to feel her powerless humiliation as her thighs are parted by him. & in truth & to my shame the enjoyment and thrill was not his alone.
I had lost track of the days. All day, each day the same. Every day at my chores, then a sleep of fitful aching dreams. The slave lexicon has no use for the names of days or months. No use for abstract counting. Every day is a day for Master. My only concern, the only concern for our pretty little heads was to be found beautiful and pleasing by him, to be obedient. & not be seen in terms of discipline or punishment, but in terms of desire.      

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