Thursday 31 March 2011

01 First day: 21 new slavegirls for transportation

I woke up, lying uncomfortably on the cool stone floor. I looked around quite numbly, my whole body felt strangely relaxed. For a few seconds I felt quite weak, but then my muscles started to firm up. I sat up, brushing my long blonde hair back behind my ears as best I could. Where were my clothes ?. Where were my bags ?. In fact where was I ?. I slowly remembered the contract. I was being paid a not inconsiderable sum to come here & chronicle a place called Gor. A world known only by rumour and fantasy. Where men were dominant & the women submissive and happy. It sounded disturbing, perverted, but intriguing. Apparently, or is that allegedly,  the women who came here were happy & fulfilled. Although I suspect the men would say that wouldn’t they. Nonetheless I had been given my first and very lucrative journalism assignment. To write an account of this place from a womans  perspective. The perspective of a modern woman. I was a student on earth so this assignment was very appealing. Frankly I had felt privileged to be asked. And the men who approached me, had been very charming and ruggedly handsome. Strangely I had felt vulnerable and safe with them,  complimented by the fact that they evidently found me attractive and intelligent. The prospective adventure, and the money were too much too refuse.      
I had been whisked away in a limousine to a secret location & transported through one of the ‘doorways’ as they were called. That was the last thing I remember before waking up here. I looked round the small room. It was totally devoid of furniture, or windows Even the heavy wooden door was difficult to make out at first. So well fitting was it to the walls. Also it had no handle on this side, or keyhole. It felt like a cell. It had been hinted to me that under special circumstances women were selected for their suitability, if not their initial willingness to be brought here. Although later they would accept their circumstances. It had sounded awfully like kidnapping to me. The men assured me they would never consider kidnapping those they considered free persons. What they didn’t tell me, was that women were not considered persons, legally, morally. or innately, nor ever deserving of being considered any of the above or free. 
I looked around the bare room. The stone floor was not as bare & undecorated as it first appeared. In fact the stone tiles & the bare stone walls were faintly & very skilfully &  delicately engraved with erotic scenes. Women were being ravished, seemingly branded, whipped, in all the scenes. The stone illustrations seemed to come to life more as you touched them than as you looked at them, they were highly sensuous. I became quite distracted & I must admit a little excited looking & touching the endless scenes.
I was soon disturbed by the faint sounds emanating from outside my little room. Muffled but obvious sounds of females in distress. Then a loud snapping sound, like leather, leather on flesh. Then squeals of pain, and fright, terrified fright. Male voices, angry, impatient. Then female voices, frightened, uncertain, obedient. Was that the sound of a whip?. Then silence for a while. Then more male voices, laughing and confident. Then orders again, and then the muffled sounds of squealing, pain. Quite obviously female voices, fearful, in pain. Then more loud snapping and muffled suppressed choked back cries.
I lay there wondering what was happening. Wondering why I had come here. What was I doing here. Feeling quite small & frightened now. Then as if to make matters worse the light suddenly went out & I was plunged into complete darkness. I curled up by a wall and listened. I could the sound of shuffling and slapping outside. Then quiet again. & now  there were only male voices now, talking and laughing. Then snoring.
I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew was blinking looking up at the open door and the man standing, well I should say filling the small doorway. He was holding what looked like a short bullwhip and was looking at me quite impatiently. I had never seen a man built quite like Him. So slender but so well built, like an athlete or a warrior. He exuded male presence and power. He snapped His fingers and said something curtly to me. I didn’t understand. He strode towards me and involuntarily I rose to my feet, quite apprehensive.
He took me by the shoulders and pushed me outside into a stone hallway. I didn’t dare resist. As if to hurry me He slapped me roughly across my bare bottom & snapped his fingers behind me to hurry me along. I didn’t dare object. As I hurried obediently, trotting along, my bare breasts bouncing up and down, I realized that this was not a place where women disobeyed men, or kept men waiting. He patted me on my bottom as if in reward & to keep me moving forward.
Outside in the early morning light there were 3 other men waiting & a wagon, already hooked up to horses. On the wagon were two low small cages. In one cage I could see crammed inside, about 20 women, in full thick leather body hoods. Furthermore their legs, well their ankles were strapped together and strapped to their upper thighs, keeping them quite immobile. Even tightly bound & hooded as they were I could see they were terrified. Quite understandably so, most had been woken in their beds, bound and gagged and locked & transported to the ‘doorway’ in the trunk of a car. Now in a strange place & handled like livestock, examined so rudely, by such powerful men. They could have little doubt of their fate. 
The men left me standing there, talking amongst themselves. One of the men took a step towards me leeringly. I cringed frightened. But the other men stopped him, laughing. I found myself pushed into the 2nd empty cage. The gate was locked behind me. It was tiny, all I could do was curl up. It was far too small too straighten myself out, or kneel upright in. it seemed way too small for one person never mind 20. nonetheless I was very, very grateful not to be in the other cage. A leather curtain, or cover was pulled over the other cage and buckled shut. Then to my horror another curtain was pulled over mine, plunging me into darkness. The leather was very smelly, it literally stank of stale fright. I was overcome with fear myself.
“Please.” I called out.
The reply, although I didn’t understand the language left me in no doubt that I was to shut up & to stay shut up. I was quiet.
I lay there & listened to the men drinking coffee & laughing & discussing matters in a language completely alien to me. They seemed in no hurry. The morning was already getting hot when we set off.
The road was quite rough in the unsprung wagon.  To my horror it only got worse, full off ruts and bumps. I was literally bounced about inside the cage. From the other cage I could hear muffled, gagged cries of pain & discomfort. One of the men barked an order to us. & we were silent. The heat inside the curtained cages got worse & worse, sticky heat, & reeking of  fright,  as the day grew hotter & hotter. The men stopped for something to drink & eat. We weren’t allowed out of the cages, just left in the sweltering sun. Then we started off again. We stopped several times & I heard the men drinking & the horses being watered, but no regard was paid to us. Then late in the day we stopped & the wagon was locked in the small courtyard of an inn. Where the men would be staying for the night. We were left in the cages. I was so thirsty and desperate to pee too. But I didn’t dare call out, or draw attention to myself. Nor did I want to pee in the wagon. I just lay there miserable waiting for the morning. Listening to the low muffled moans and whimpers from the other cage. As if to make matters worse the inn was obviously busy and rowdy. I could hear the men drinking and laughing. Smell the delicious aromas of cooking meat, and hear the happy squeals and excited voices of tavern girls serving the men. 
I was woken by the sound of one of the men urinating loudly, by the wagon. Before whistling contentedly as he supervised a girl watering the horses. His voice was loud, still a little groggy, hers was soft and naturally submissive. Then he went back inside for breakfast with his companions. I could still hear the girl tending the horses. She was humming happily as she worked, happy to be allowed out in the sun.  Another dawn and another hot uncomfortable day followed. Finally we reached our destination. I was let out of the cage. The other girls still body hooded, but with their legs free were standing, chained together, by an ankle coffle.
One of the men patted me on my bare bottom as if to lead me away. I followed his lead without demur. Behind me I heard a load crack and a muffled squeal of pain. I didn’t look round to see the red weal developing on the poor unfortunates bare thighs. I just kept going glad to not be one of those girls heading for the sales pens.
I was led into another courtyard. Then through a low stone door down a long corridor & eventually to a small room. Bare & unfurnished again, lacking windows. The one concession to comfort a small square yellow silk cushion, thrown on the hard stone floor. It was intimated to me that I was to kneel on it. I did so. The silk was very slippery, feeling quite scandalous on my bare flesh. Then my escort closed the door behind him & locked me in. The light went off & I was alone in the darkness. All I could do was curl up as best I could on the small cushion & sleep. At least it wasn’t the hard floor & at least for the first time in days I wasn’t being bounced about. I soon dropped off, into a deep sleep full of not particularly specific but very vague & very emotionally, rather than visual  erotic dreams.      

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